Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rocking the (Primary) Vote

Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors to bullets. --Abraham Lincoln

The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. --John F. Kennedy

With the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary just about a month away, it's time to make our first big-time push for voter participation in 2008! As '07 comes to a close, we embark upon one of the most exciting and important election years in the past half-century--an election that will no doubt set the course of the country for years to come.

Shortly, we will post our very own ALO-Election page, but for now, "Connecticut Bob" has a great primary calendar. Also, The Green Papers has excellent resources for everything you ever wanted to know about primaries, caucuses, and how to participate in this important process of selecting a party nominee.

If you're looking for an absentee ballot, visit
http://www.fvap.gov/pubs/onlinefpca.pdf! And if you have any questions, E-mail us at AmericanLeaders@gmail.com--we've got your answers.

Happy Voting!

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