Thursday, July 26, 2007


The spotlight's on Hawaii Community College in Hilo, Hawaii. Their student government is among the most active in the state, and certainly one of the most fun. Visit their website-- learn more about them, but here are a few of the highlights below:

The Objective of Student Government is:

* To stimulate students to engage in purposeful curricular, cocurricular, and extracurricular activities.
* To promote and promulgate good will.
* To make positive contributions to the college and to the community at-large.

How Can Student Government help you?

* Assist with student concerns relating to issues/concern of College, College System, Community
* Support activites which enhances the learning experience
* Promote personal development and citizenship
* Provide seed money to support RISO activities
* Facilitate communication with student, faculty, staff, administration, and the community
* Provide a student voice in the UH system through Student Caucus Activities

Not your typical student government, HCCSG is made up of some working adults with families, too. Go check them out at!

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